You are on the winning side
Our 19-year-old daughter Kyla sketched a breath-taking image of an African-American girl with natural hair. When she showed me what she’d done, I just sat and stared, shaking my head in amazement. I shared a bit of Kyla’s drawing process, as well as the completed sketch, on this week’s vlog. You can watch it at the bottom of this post.
Both Kyla and our 17-year-old, Kaiah, are amazing illustrators. I often joke with them and say, “I taught you everything you know.” But the truth is, they didn’t get those skills from me or their dad. Their parents were not blessed to be able to draw well. So I know it’s a God-given gift for both of them. They didn’t go to art school and the talent seemed to come out of the blue. But it wasn’t random. I know God taught them how to create gorgeous artwork.
It goes to show us that God is able to do extraordinary things through very ordinary people. Furthermore, whatever He has destined you to do, He will equip you for the task. It is God who makes us able to accomplish His will. It’s not our strength, wisdom, expertise, resources, or anything else. It is the Lord working through us.
This is what you have to remember when you come up against a battle in life. The Lord has supernaturally equipped you to triumph in all things. The fight may be tough, but don’t let that worry you. Just look at the example of David. The Lord had groomed him from an early age, equipped and anointed him, and gave him confidence to go into battle expecting to come out on the winning side.
“You may as well shout in advance. This battle is already won. God is with you and victory belongs to you through His name. ”
For a moment, go all the way back to 1 Samuel 17. Do you remember when David had to fight the Philistine giant Goliath? He wasn’t a formally trained fighter and didn’t even have the proper armor by man’s standards. But David didn’t rely on his own skill or bulky armor. He had on the armor of God.
In verse 26, when Goliath was threatening David, God’s manservant rebutted by calling the irreverent giant an “uncircumcised Philistine.”
He said this because in the Old Testament, circumcision, which God implemented through Abraham in Genesis 17, was a physical sign of a spiritual covenant. David knew he was in covenant with God—one of the Lord’s chosen—but Goliath was not. This distinction David made signified his awareness that he was in a position of favor with the Almighty, while his opponent was an outsider and enemy of God.
David was aware that the size of the obstacle before him wasn’t greater than the size of his God. And since God was for him and equipping him for battle, he had no need to fear who or what was against him. If you can remember this while you’re facing seemingly impossible and insurmountable odds, you can behave like David and defeat whatever giant opposes you.
I don’t know what the name of your struggle is today. It could be disease, lack, depression, or devastation. Whatever it is, the name of the Lord is greater. Don’t focus on the size of the problem, but rather, the size of your God. He is bigger than the mountain standing in your way. He is stronger than the enemy threatening you. He is able to deliver you out of any negative circumstance. He’s fighting for you right now and the enemy will not win.
God has already equipped you. He has already favored you. He has already won the victory for you. He has already turned it around. Go out boldly against the enemy, knowing God’s got this one in the bag. You are on the winning side!
To remind you of this truth, I’m stirring the first portion of a very familiar passage of scripture into your cup of inspiration. It’s found in Isaiah 54:17, which simply says, “No weapon formed against you shall prosper…”
As you drink down the contents of your cup, declare the victory. Rejoice that you have already overcome. Praise God for breakthrough. Defeat may look inevitable, but God is invincible, so with Him on your side, you won’t lose.
Be encouraged. Walk with your head held high. Know who you are and whose you are. You belong to the Lord and victory belongs to Him. Therefore, it belongs to you.
Now let’s pray.
God, I’m facing difficult trials and steep mountains that just won’t seem to move. But I know You are able to do all things. In times when I feel discouraged, help me remember Your word that promises You are fighting for me and I am on the winning side. No matter how bad it looks, I declare by faith that I am already victorious through You. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
As always, thanks for reading and until next time... may today's cup of inspiration uplift, encourage, and empower you!
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