What you have is invaluable!
A family member recently gave me the best idea that has served the Hobbs family so well when it comes to taking inventory of what grocery items need to be restocked at home.
They told me, at their house, they have a magnetic dry erase whiteboard on the kitchen fridge. And they tell their children, the moment you see that something is running low, grab the dry erase marker, and write it down on the whiteboard. That way, we can purchase needed items during the next grocery store run.
My relative suggested that my family get a whiteboard for our fridge, too. I’m so glad we took the suggestion and got one of our own. We run out of fewer items this way.
Recently, I walked by the whiteboard on the fridge and noticed a request for Earth Balance which is vegan butter. Our youngest daughter, Kaiah, who is lactose intolerant and experiences digestive upset when she eats regular butter, posted the request and then added in parenthesis, “So Kaiah won’t die.”
I stood by the fridge giggling at her silliness. By the way, I am happy to report, she got her Earth Balance and is alive and well!
As I thought about our resident jokester writing “So Kaiah won’t die,” I was reminded of Genesis 25:29-34, where Esau literally thought he would die if he didn’t get something to eat. Remember?
Esau, son of Isaac, grandson of the patriarch Abraham, and the twin brother of Jacob, was a skillful hunter. Esau was a man of the open country who loved the wild.
One day, Jacob, who was a homebody, was cooking stew when Esau came in from the outdoors starving. So, he asked Jacob to give him some stew.
Jacob, whose name meant “Trickster,” saw this as an opportunity to swindle Esau and pounced on it.
The shoddy salesman told Esau, “Sell me your birthright.”
This was a completely shady business proposition because the birthright, which granted special privileges to the firstborn son, was invaluable. The owner of the birthright was the chief heir and received the greater part of the inheritance from his father. According to the law of Moses in Deuteronomy 21:17, the possessor of the birthright got special favor from his father and would receive a double portion of all his father’s possessions.
What an amazing treasure, right? Well, not to Esau. In verse 32, Esau told his cunning younger twin, “Look, I am about to die. What good is the birthright to me?” Verse 34 says, “So Esau despised his birthright.”
That word despise is a Hebrew word meaning to regard with contempt, to show disdain for something despicable, vile, or worthless. So then, Esau, who should have valued his divine privileges, instead treated them as worthless and vile.
Yikes! Can you imagine treating the favor of God like that?
“God’s favor is worth more than gold! When divine favor is on your life, it makes up for what you lack and positions you to be victorious in every circumstance.”
It’s not surprising that God frowned upon Esau’s attitude and actions. In Hebrews 12:16–17, Esau is called “godless.” Ouch! And believers are warned not to be like him.
Friend, treasure your spiritual inheritance that Jesus Christ obtained for you through His death and resurrection. Romans 8:17 says you are an heir of God and co-heirs with Christ. By faith, you have been adopted into the royal family of God and must at all times be grateful for the favor that’s on your life.
And know this: Just because you’re favored and have a powerful spiritual inheritance does not mean you will never suffer or have unmet desires. The idea that we get to skip over suffering and get everything we want at all times is anti-biblical. The word of God promises that we will have struggles.
Nevertheless, what you do have, which is the favor of God, is invaluable. Thanks be to God through Christ, He has given you authority and bestowed upon you a spiritual birthright that guarantees victorious outcomes.
Now that’s something to shout about right there, amen?
Even when you don’t have every desire met, you have a loving Father who will supply every need. In seasons of lack, loss, sickness, persecution, betrayal, adversity, and discouragement, remember that you are favored by the Father.
Therefore, you have an advantage in disadvantageous situations! Furthermore, you can expect God to bless you with more than you ask. It pleases Him to give you a double portion of blessings. So then, by faith, expect healing. Expect breakthrough. Expect increase. Expect doors to open. Expect the enemy to be defeated. Expect the weapon that has been formed against you not to prosper!
Isaiah 54:19b GWT, which I’m stirring into your cup of inspiration, says, “This is the inheritance of the LORD's servants. Their victory comes from me, declares the LORD.”
As you drink down the contents of your cup, rejoice for your inheritance. Thank God for your spiritual birthright in spite of the storms and struggles you must face. Come what may, you are blessed above measure and favored in all seasons—and no test or trial can ever change that.
Despite what you don’t have, what you do have is invaluable. Ain’t that good news?
Now, let’s pray.
God, thank You for favoring me, bestowing blessings upon me, and reminding me of who I am in Christ. In seasons of struggle, help me never forget that I have a spiritual birthright that guarantees that I am victorious and more than a conqueror in all things. I praise You for the victory! In Jesus’ name, Amen.
If you desire prayer, please allow me, along with my intercessory prayer team, to stand in faith with you for breakthrough. We would be so honored. We have seen God work over and over again. There is power in agreement. Click here to request prayer now.
As always, thanks for reading and until next time... may today's cup of inspiration uplift, encourage, and empower you!