Confirming evidence is about to show up
Yesterday was the 18th birthday of my oldest son Kedar. I can hardly believe he has grown up so quickly! Our family celebrated at home with cake and ice cream, lots of love and excitement.
For us, togetherness and gratitude are always the focus of birthdays.
In honor of this milestone b-day, Kedar and I took pictures together which were shot by none other than my youngest daughter and favorite photographer on the planet, Kaiah! We went to a location she chose downtown and had loads of fun posing.
Both Kedar and I are super awkward during shoots. Super-duper awkward! But Kaiah is a pro and told us what to do. She has a way of making any subject look cool.
I thank God for her, because, otherwise, well…my inner dork would take over and the resulting images would be laughable at best and cringey at worst. Ha! You can see all the photos on my Instagram or Facebook page—whichever you’d like to visit.
During our great downtown adventure, it was supposed to rain, so there was a possibility that we might not successfully complete the photoshoot. But thankfully, the rain never came. Instead, the sun came out, and everything went great!
Look at God.
After our photography session, aside from feeling giddy, I also got reflective. I vividly remember when God first told me I was pregnant with a boy whose name would be Kedar. I was in my bedroom praying and worshiping that day, and I felt the presence of the Lord so strongly I could hardly stand.
Straightaway, without any confirming evidence from a doctor, I called my husband Kenya at work to tell him the big news. When he asked me how I knew I had conceived, I told Kenya that God said it. And there is no doubt he is my soulmate because Kenya didn’t think I was crazy or doubt my prophetic pregnancy news or gender reveal for one second. He knew that I knew the voice of the Lord, and we celebrated together as if we already had a positive pregnancy test in hand.
When I went to the doctor, it was too early in my pregnancy for them to detect it, so I got a negative result. Nevertheless, I boldly told my nurse, God said I was pregnant, so even if you can’t see it, I know it’s true.
As you probably can tell, I had holy boldness in spades even back then.
Imagine my nurse’s amazement when weeks later, the confirming results showed up, and it turned out that I conceived on the exact day God said it. My due date perfectly corresponded with the prophetic word, but I just had to wait for the evidence to catch up.
That makes me want to shout right there!
Somebody reading this needs to know that whatever God says will happen will absolutely happen. God’s word is true. You simply must wait for the manifestation. The evidence may be a little slow coming, but everything God promised shall come to pass.
I dare you to declare by faith right now, “Confirming evidence is about to show up!”
“God already spoke a promise over you. You have been waiting for manifestation. Well, the Lord sent me to tell you that the confirming evidence is about to catch up with His promise!”
As I was preparing to write this devotion, God quickly drew my attention to 1 Samuel 3:19 which says in the Contemporary English Version, “As Samuel grew up, the LORD helped him and made everything Samuel said come true.”
Samuel, the son of Elkanah and Hannah, was a prophet whose life was dedicated to God (1 Samuel 1). When Samuel was younger, Eli the priest had to teach him how to recognize the voice of the Lord (1 Samuel 3:1-10). But even in his ignorance, Samuel was anointed.
So anointed was he that God ensured that no word of prophecy Samuel spoke would ever miss its target. God made sure everything Samuel spoke came true.
Friend, I believe that the same God who spoke through Samuel all those years ago is speaking to you through this post. He wants you know that no word of prophecy in Scripture or any word of revelation sent by Him to you will miss its target.
Even when you cannot see proof of what God said, do what Kenya and I did over 18 years ago, and celebrate as if you already have positive evidence in your hand. This is your assurance that no word of the Lord will ever fail. No promise will ever be broken.
If God spoke it, He will make good on it.
For someone who has been waiting a long time for God to reveal His word, this devotion is good news for you. In fact, it is prophetic.
Confirming evidence is about to show up. So, you may as well go ahead and rejoice like you’ve already got it. You know why? Because it’s already done. Already fixed. Already worked out. Already sealed in the heavenlies and therefore must manifest on earth.
To remind you that you can bank on every word God speaks, I’m stirring one of my familiar favorites into your cup of inspiration found in Isaiah 55:11 KJV. It says, “So shall my word be that goeth forth out of my mouth: it shall not return unto me void, but it shall accomplish that which I please, and it shall prosper in the thing whereto I sent it.”
As you drink down the contents of your cup, rejoice over the completed work, knowing that the evidence is about to show up.
Now, let’s pray.
God, thank You for reminding me that You are faithful to do whatever You promised. In moments when I feel discouraged because I don’t see evidence of Your promise, help me remember that Your word is the evidence. And if You spoke it, it is as good as done. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
If you desire prayer, please allow me, along with my intercessory prayer team, to stand in faith with you for breakthrough. We would be so honored. We have seen God work over and over again. There is power in agreement. Click here to request prayer now.
As always, thanks for reading and until next time... may today's cup of inspiration uplift, encourage, and empower you!