Say yes to the new thing
In this season, God is going to do new, better, and unexpected things for you. Be open to receiving them. As you follow God down unconventional pathways, don’t allow doubt to act as a roadblock.
Friend, I remember a time when God did something unconventional for me. It was the Sunday I first spoke in tongues – or as some say received my Heavenly language.
It was so unexpected!
I recall how the most beautiful feeling came over me. And before I knew it, my tongue uttered a new language that emerged from deep within my belly.
What was this?
I wept rivers as the spirit of God overflowed. It was a feeling unlike any other. I, like the believers in Acts 10:44-48, finally knew what it was like for the Holy Spirit to fall on me.
That was 27 years ago; I was 18 years old.
At the time, I didn’t fully understand the extraordinary thing that had happened. But you know what? I didn’t dare reject it!
By faith—though I felt a bit confused and awed—I joyfully received the infilling of the Holy Spirit. And what a blessing that gift has been to me ever since that day.
On this faith journey, I have discovered that God blesses His people in unfamiliar, unexpected, and unconventional ways. The key is being willing to receive it.
As of late, I have been studying the book of Hebrews. While reading, I have noticed how the author wrote such convincing arguments. His purpose was to get the Jews to receive the new and better thing God was doing through the person of Jesus Christ.
This was no easy task, however, since many were loyal to Old Testament laws, and Jesus often didn’t fit into that box.
For example, Jesus was both King and High Priest. But, according to the law of Moses, the priesthood was established through Aaron of the tribe of Levi, known as the Levitical Priesthood.
Jesus was from the tribe of Judah—technically the wrong one.
How could they reconcile this detail?
In Hebrews 7, the writer reminded the audience that Jesus’ dual role may have been unconventional but not unprecedented by pointing to Melchizedek.
Melchizedek was both priest and king, too. He was a somewhat mysterious figure first introduced in Genesis 14:18–20. He is a type of Christ.
Like Jesus, Melchizedek’s lineage did not link back to the tribe of Levi. Even so, Abraham, the great patriarch and father of faith, paid tithes to Melchizedek, legitimizing and solidifying the priestly king’s authority.
For those that saw Levi as the standard for the priesthood, the author had a rock-solid argument. Levi was the seed of Abraham, since Isaac was the son of Abraham, and Jacob, Levi’s father, was the son of Isaac. Therefore, when Abraham paid tithes to Melchizedek in Genesis, Levi was still in Abraham’s loins.
Consequently, Levi paid tithes to Melchizedek, too. And if Melchizedek, a priest and king not from the tribe of Levi was greater than both Abraham and Levi, then so is Jesus!
I so love the word of God. Don’t you?
I also love how David in Psalm 110:4 wrote a prophetic song about the Messiah declaring, “The Lord has sworn and will not change his mind: You are a priest forever, in the order of Melchizedek.”
Before the Messiah ever came on the scene, David prophesied about His unconventional ministry which had to be received by faith.
Here’s the point: God works in mysterious ways, and if you are to receive what He has to offer, you must be willing to say yes to His will and way. If you expect Him to follow run-of-the-mill processes and use customary methods, you will miss God. But if you stay open to His extraordinary way of revealing Himself, you will be blessed beyond measure.
“God told me to tell you that He is about to bless you in an unconventional way. You may not understand what He’s doing; but be open to receive by faith. Something good is coming!”
In Bible days, those that were unwilling to embrace the unconventional nature of Christ’s ministry robbed themselves of the opportunity to experience the fulness of the grace of God, the promises of God, the spirit of God, the abundance of God, and the Lamb of God who came to take away the sins of the whole world (John 1:29).
Unlike the unbelieving, You, a believer and follower of Christ, will receive everything God has for you. There is no way you will miss out on the blessings He has in store if you cling to faith.
Today, I’m here to prophesy over you and tell you that God is about to give you some out-of-the-box breakthroughs, extraordinary opportunities, supernatural favor, and take you down unexpected pathways that lead to destiny.
You are not reading this devotion by accident. God sent you here to receive this message, because you are on the verge of stepping into a new thing, reaping a greater harvest, and seeing the promises of God fulfilled.
My assignment is to prepare you.
It won’t happen the way you expect it to, but your willingness to remain open will position you to prosper and reap all the benefits of the new thing God is doing.
You’re going to a higher level. God is enlarging your territory. He is blessing the works of your hands. He is sending you the help you need. He is manifesting the fruit of your labor. He is expanding, increasing, and stretching you for His glory. He is answering long-time-coming prayer requests.
Receive it by faith!
To help you do that, I’m stirring a sweetener into your cup of inspiration found in a portion of James 1:17 NIV which says, “Every good and perfect gift is from above.”
As you drink down the contents of your cup, God is confirming that He’s about to shower you with good and perfect gifts.
He’s getting ready to bless you in ways that you have never seen before. You’re about to do some things you’ve never done and have some things you’ve never had because you are willing to embrace an unconventional move of God by faith.
You’re about to be so blessed—and I cannot wait to hear your testimony.
Now, let’s pray.
God, thank You for sending this word. I believe that You are doing a new thing for me and in me, and I want to be ready to receive it all. Help me to say no to skepticism and fear and say yes to faith—for faith is the key that unlocks every door. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
If you desire prayer, please allow me, along with my intercessory prayer team, to stand in faith with you for breakthrough. We would be so honored. We have seen God work over and over again. There is power in agreement. Click here to request prayer now.
As always, thanks for reading and until next time... may today's cup of inspiration uplift, encourage, and empower you!