It’s not for you to know
In today’s devotion, Dianna Hobbs says, in dark seasons, remind yourself that you are in the hands of a good God who is sovereign, all-powerful and strategic. He is never off duty. God is always working. And though you may not know His full plan for you, He certainly has an incredible one.
God is sending the help you need
There are some areas in your life where you really need help. You can’t fix what’s broken on your own. Perhaps, things have been out of sorts for a long time and you are crying out to God for a shift. Well, this word will encourage you to keep on believing God, and expecting your change to come!
Something bigger is on the other side of this
You will see progress where you were once stagnant. You will see increase where you were once lacking. You will see opportunities where there once weren’t any. God is up to something greater in your life! Wait and see.