But the Lord...
The negative situation you’re looking at, under normal circumstances, would guarantee a negative outcome, too. But because the Lord is on your side, fighting for you and working in your favor, you will make it through this, and come out victoriously!
His power is working!
The next time you feel weak and discouraged, as if you won’t make it, remind yourself that God’s power is working in and through you, equipping you to do all things. He is changing situations that you can’t!
Surely God will do it
God has made you some promises. When will He do what He said? Though things look uncertain on the surface, know that you can trust in the certainty of God’s word. Whatever He says, He makes good on it.
Are you prepared for your breakthrough?
Eyes have not seen and ears have not heard the great things God has in store for you. A breakthrough is on the way. Expect it. That way, when it arrives, you will know exactly how to take advantage of every blessing God has for you!
God has counted you in!
You may have been counted out by others, but God has counted you in. There is a harvest of blessings and mega benefits He has in store just for you, because you are his. Read this devotional and be blessed!
God will reward your faithfulness
There is a reward coming for all you have endured. Don’t lose heart. God has not forgotten about you. Read this encouraging word!
Bless the Lord!
In all circumstances, be thankful. It could be worse. Even though things aren’t perfect, God is yet good. See how to be grateful.
Cry out and watch God move!
Cry out and watch God move. Cry out and see His favor. Cry out and witness His mighty hand of deliverance in your life.
God will restore & you will recover!
If you're going through a loss or setback, rebuke discouragement. See your present difficulties and harrowing circumstances as transitional phases on your road to breakthrough. You will recover. God will restore!