devotion Empowering Everyday Women devotion Empowering Everyday Women

You are prepared for this!

There are some roles that you are now occupying, challenges you are now facing, opposition you are now dealing with, and responsibility you are now taking on, and it doesn’t feel easy always. But that doesn’t mean you aren’t ready for it. God has already prepared and equipped you for this.

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blog, devotion, Dianna Hobbs Empowering Everyday Women blog, devotion, Dianna Hobbs Empowering Everyday Women

Take a stroll down memory lane

When life gets overwhelming or Satan attacks, it’s important to find a place where you can get quiet, and do a little thinking about God’s past displays of His power and majesty in your life. You’ll no doubt come away praising and rejoicing, and your faith will be stronger than ever!

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Dianna Hobbs, Cup of Inspiration, blog Empowering Everyday Women Dianna Hobbs, Cup of Inspiration, blog Empowering Everyday Women

Give it some time

Feeling discouraged because things are taking too long? In a hurry? Well, you must let God do things His way. Don’t look for a shortcut or clever scheme. Lean on the Lord. Put your confidence and hope in Him. Don’t get in a hurry. Give it some time and you’ll see that your faith will yield just the right results at just the right time.

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