devotion, perseverance Empowering Everyday Women devotion, perseverance Empowering Everyday Women

You’ve got supernatural strength!

Isn’t it good to know that the equipping power of God turns your weakness into strength? When God strengthens you, what could, would and should be impossible becomes possible. What was unbearable becomes bearable. What was unconquerable becomes conquerable. Go forth in His power!

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Cup of Inspiration, Dianna Hobbs, inspiration, blog Empowering Everyday Women Cup of Inspiration, Dianna Hobbs, inspiration, blog Empowering Everyday Women

God is preparing you for victory

Do your circumstances seem to be pointing to the worst possible outcome? Well, God is working things out and moving on your behalf. His hand of deliverance is outstretched. Though the enemy has come at you full-force and adversity is all around, you are surrounded by His favor. God’s power has already secured your victory!

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