From ugly to beautiful
When God wants to do something new and better in our lives, He interrupts our routines, challenges our traditions, and plops us down in the middle of ugly circumstances. Sometimes, we get discouraged by the temporary ugliness of it all, but He’s not through with you yet!
Next-level blessings are coming
The puzzle pieces aren’t all in place yet, but keep on trusting God. He is going to send you next-level resources, next-level favor, next-level opportunities, next-level wisdom, and next-level blessings. By His grace, you will be fruitful if you don’t give up, and keep moving forward in His name!
Expect God to show you favor
Expect God to show you favor. Expect Him to be gracious to you. Expect Him to loose every chain and break every stronghold. Expect Him to heal your body and turn your situation around. Be bold and confident as you approach His throne of grace. Tell Him what you need. He will answer you!
Positioned to be blessed
In this season, you’re going to cross paths with the right people. God is going to cause blessings to chase you down. He is going to connect the dots for you and create incredible outcomes that are beneficial to you, and His Kingdom.
God's hand of blessing is on you!
God has you covered and His hand of blessing is on you. His favor is on you. His grace is on you. His anointing is on you. His power is on you. So it does not matter what people say about you, how they treat you, or what challenging situations you face.
Trust God's word anyway
In today’s devotion, Dianna Hobbs says, when you keep trusting and holding fast to His promises, in due time, He will do just what He said He would. You may be so tired and you might be feeling weary, but hang in there!
Are you prepared for your breakthrough?
Eyes have not seen and ears have not heard the great things God has in store for you. A breakthrough is on the way. Expect it. That way, when it arrives, you will know exactly how to take advantage of every blessing God has for you!
God is lifting you up!
Since you have, in the midst of the valley, humbled yourself under God's mighty hand, it is now your due season to be exalted (1 Peter 5:6). You're about to get lifted!