All you have is all you need
In distressing times, when you are confronted with seemingly insurmountable challenges, and the odds are stacked against you, remind yourself that you are in a position of favor with God. He’ll work in your favor despite what you lack. Wherever you may be deficient, the all-sufficient One has you covered.
God will speak for you
There are some awesome things on the way. God is about to openly put His hand on you, and all will know you are favored, and blessed. Some things are coming down the pike that will turn your life around. Though others may have overlooked you, God is going to speak for you!
Keep on digging
God is going to enlarge you, restore what the enemy tried to steal from you, and make space for you to prosper. You will see God’s favor. He is waving His mighty hand of deliverance over your situation. Just dig down deep and keep on going. You will see amazing things happen!
The Lord will make a way somehow
Going through it right now? Don’t let doubt, worry, fear, stress and anxiety take over. Instead, rest in the Lord. Remain confident in Him, knowing that He is fully able to do what He promised. He will make a way for you, somehow, someway.
This won't break you
Perhaps there is a lot coming at you all at once. You feel the opposing pressure and are surrounded by chaos. The enemy is threatening you and coming after you will all his might. Before you get worried, anxious or discouraged, remember that God’s power is at work. This won’t break you!
Don't worry about it
Even if the enemy has waged war against your family, your finances, your health, your relationships, and ultimately, your divine destiny, it doesn’t change the fact that he is a defeated foe. You have victory. God fights for you. Don’t worry about it. God’s got you!
Surely God will do it
God has made you some promises. When will He do what He said? Though things look uncertain on the surface, know that you can trust in the certainty of God’s word. Whatever He says, He makes good on it.
Something bigger is on the other side of this
You will see progress where you were once stagnant. You will see increase where you were once lacking. You will see opportunities where there once weren’t any. God is up to something greater in your life! Wait and see.