Dianna Hobbs, devotion Empowering Everyday Women Dianna Hobbs, devotion Empowering Everyday Women

God said, delay is not denial!

If God promised you He would do something, He will do it! But Satan wants to keep you discouraged. He hopes to convince you that slow change means no change, and delay equals denial. But the devil is, just as he always has been, a liar. Furthermore, he is the father of lies!

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Cup of Inspiration, Dianna Hobbs, inspiration Empowering Everyday Women Cup of Inspiration, Dianna Hobbs, inspiration Empowering Everyday Women

Your due season is coming!

If you’re going through lots of changes, good or bad, you’re in transition. And while they may feel uncomfortable, the shift will benefit you in the end. This turn of events, though it might not seem like it at the moment, will produce great results and position you to receive all God has for you.

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Dianna Hobbs, Cup of Inspiration, blog Empowering Everyday Women Dianna Hobbs, Cup of Inspiration, blog Empowering Everyday Women

Keep trusting God's timing

Life’s journeys can be long and tiresome sometimes, can’t they? You and I don’t always arrive at the place we want to be right away. We like quick results. Instant turnarounds are incredible! But we also have to embrace seasons of gradual change, while trusting God’s perfect timing. In the meantime, go ahead and rejoice. Praise God, even when you can’t see your way clearly.

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