A Word for Your Uncomfortable Season
Maybe today, you're standing in the middle of a fiery furnace of affliction—health failing, emotions flailing, finances faltering, relationships fraying, beneath a darkened sky that seems to be falling. Remember this: the Lord is with you in the discomfort, working for your good!
Going through it? God will restore you
You may be going through now, but God will restore you back to a place of wholeness, equilibrium, prosperity, and joy. Though the journey is not easy and you may be feeling low, uncertain, and confused about this unfamiliar place of struggle, there is better on the other side of this! Be encouraged.
When you don’t understand why…praise!
Hard and confusing times will come. That’s unavoidable. Disappointments will try to rob you of faith, snatch away your joy, and steal your song. But you don’t have to let disappointment and discouragement win. Keep on singing, pushing forward, trusting God, and expecting deliverance.