Podcast: God’s Extraordinary Provision
This powerful podcast reminds you that God’s provision will show up right when and where you need it!
Audio Devotion: Need a miracle?
Are you in need of a miracle today? Have you been praying and asking God to heal you? Deliver you? Increase you? Answer your prayer? When you listen to today’s audio devotion from Dianna Hobbs, your heart will be uplifted and inspired to believe God to do the miraculous for you!
You don't have to toil [AUDIO]
Today’s inspiration says, you don’t have to toil. To toil, which means to work extremely hard, incessantly, to the point of pure exhaustion, is what the dominant culture teaches, and it is a pattern of living adopted by millions caught up in the hustle and the grind that puts achievement first!
God wants to announce Himself
God wants to use your life, even your struggles and deficiencies, as a public announcement that His power is greater than any struggle. If you would only submit to His will, He’ll turn your tragedies into triumphs, your tests into testimonies and your messes into powerful messages!
God’s strength is better than yours
Sometimes, we get down on ourselves because we feel weak and incapable. But God is assuring you that you have no reason to feel down, because His strength is working in you and through you, and His strength is so much better than yours and superior to yours. He’s equipping you right now!
The Unedited Series: Not Okay? Say so. - Day 11 of 14
Your life experiences – both good and bad—are all a part of the redemptive plan of God. But sometimes, when you suffer traumatic things so that God will be glorified in you, it leaves you struggling, flailing, and feeling not okay. Say it when you’re not okay, but still trust God, and worship through it!
The Unedited Series: Reveal Your Scars - Day 8 of 14
What you go through in life has purpose. And God can use the ugliest, most painful things as a testimony of His greatness and His power to redeem, restore, resurrect and make all things new. So don’t hide your scars. Reveal them. Because when you reveal them, you reveal HIM.
The Unedited Series: Day One
The purpose of The Unedited Series, a 14-day teaching from Dianna Hobbs, is to remind you that God doesn’t edit out the ugly, unpleasant parts of our story, because He wastes nothing. Go ahead and expose your weakness, so He can show Himself strong through you! Listen to day one.
Get ready for chapter two
New season alert! God is announcing fresh, new things to come. He's about to do for you what no other power can do. Heaven has turned the page, and you're entering a different, better chapter in your life. You will see God do greater things and work wonders for you.
This time, you will see it!
No matter what didn’t happen for you last time, believe that this time, things will be different. You will see God’s glory. Cling to your faith. God loves it when you place your confidence in Him, so don’t loosen your grip on hope. Trust God as never before, and You will see Him do great things!
Stop expecting the worst
Is it difficult for you to keep a positive outlook on things? Do you find yourself dreaming up worst-case-scenarios? In today’s inspiration, Dianna Hobbs says, believe God for the best. Don’t let your negative history and past disappointments make YOU negative. God has good things in store. Listen and be blessed!
God has chosen to bless you!
In today’s podcast, Dianna Hobbs says, there are some good things God is about to do for you that you are not expecting. He is adding to you in this season and making you fruitful. When He is finished pouring out His goodness and favor on you, it will leave you rejoicing, and in awe of His amazing and all-surpassing grace!
Things are coming full circle
In today’s inspiration, Dianna Hobbs assures you that you are about to see God’s providence, meaning His direct intervention, in your situation. It may look like you’re losing right now, but the Lord is going to turn this around and show you how He was setting you up all along to be victorious. Listen and be encouraged!
Because God said it
Does the outcome look bleak based upon your present conditions? Are you fighting discouragement? In today’s inspiration, Dianna Hobbs says, even when your circumstances don’t align with the word of God, you can still remain confident that whatever He has said must happen. As you listen, you will be encouraged to lift up your head and expect to see the manifestation of every single promise God has made to you!
God has better for you
Your past—both distant and recent—may have been filled with pain, issues, struggles, and challenges. From the looks of things, you will never get past your past and embrace a brighter future. But in today’s inspiration, Dianna Hobbs says this is not the end of your story. God has better for you, and He is writing a brand new story that will be a testament to His undeniable grace, favor and anointing upon your life!
Trust the sovereignty of God
Eve when things don’t turn out the way you want them to, still trust God’s sovereignty. He is yet able to turn a negative into a positive, and change a worst-case-scenario into a best-case-scenario! Believe that He is in control and working things out in a way that brings Him glory, blesses you, and suits His purpose.
God is doing it His way
God has many unconventional ways and alternate routes to accomplish His purpose. If you are going through something and things aren’t panning out the way you hoped they would, today’s powerful word will help uproot discouragement resulting from unmet expectations. Listen and be encouraged by Dianna Hobbs to trust God's plan!
You serve a strategic God
In today’s inspiration, Dianna Hobbs assures you that God is so strategic, meaning He has carefully designed and planned things to serve His awesome purpose. If you are in a season of uncertainty, where nothing makes much sense, know that the Lord is up to something great, and setting the stage to show up!
God wants better for you
In today’s inspiration, Dianna Hobbs says, what you prefer to happen isn’t always best for you. Sometimes, the thing that upsets, annoys, disappoints, or frustrates you the most, is the very thing God is using to mature you, prepare you, and position you to receive greater and better.
You have a great destiny
God has His hand on your life. There is something special He’s going to do for you and through you to make you an example of His glory. Get ready for it. All the events of your life—good and bad— have been woven together by a sovereign God to create the beautiful tapestry of your divine purpose.