What to do with negativity
Negative thoughts, ideas, attacks, circumstances, and all the things that come against you can really get you down if you let them. So, how do you handle this? There is a clear and effective biblical strategy to employ. In today’s podcast, Dianna Hobbs shares exactly what that is!
Trust God's plan
Sometimes, you will feel unprepared, out of place, like you’re not equipped. Sometimes you will feel scared. Sad. You’ll even want to shy away from where God is calling you to. But God sent me to tell you today to occupy your position. Know that wherever you are, wheever you find yourself, He’s right there with you.
Any way you bless me...
We often say to God, “Any way you bless me, I’ll be satisfied.” But do we really mean it? Are you open to receiving whatever God wants to do in the way He wants to do it? It’s not always easy to accept His will, but if you do, there’s a blessing in it.
God is intervening in your situation
Today’s inspiration is to confirm for you that God is intervening in your situation. Even in the hardest times and on the darkest nights, His power is at work. Friend, He is securing the best outcomes for you and reversing what the enemy intended for evil and working it out for our good.
You are a threat! [AUDIO]
Have you been under attack? Been going through the ringer lately and don't know why? Feeling tired and stressed and frustrated? Been praying and asking God for relief? Listen as Dianna Hobbs explains that you are a target because you're a threat to the kingdom of darkness.
You will hit your stride [AUDIO]
Dianna Hobbs returns to the podcast after a long hiatus, updates you on where she's been, the new podcast format, and encourages you to know that you will hit your stride. She says, "Things will get easier. God will make the rough places smooth if you don't give up!"
God’s strength is better than yours
Sometimes, we get down on ourselves because we feel weak and incapable. But God is assuring you that you have no reason to feel down, because His strength is working in you and through you, and His strength is so much better than yours and superior to yours. He’s equipping you right now!
The Unedited Series: Pitiful and Powerful - Day 12 of 14
You can be powerful and feel pitiful. But God has a way of stepping into our pity parties and reminding us of who we are, restoring us, and breathing new life into our circumstances! If you are going through something that really has you down, this awesome word of encouragement will lift your spirits.
The Unedited Series Day Two: Let It All Out!
God sees and knows all about your issues, traumas, emotional struggles, and inner turmoil – past and present. And He doesn’t expect you to pretend like it doesn’t hurt and that everything is alright when it isn’t. God invites you to release all those pent up emotions, and let Him comfort and heal you!