God will make this work for you
“For you bless the righteous, O LORD; you cover him with favor as with a shield.” (Psalm 5:12 ESV)
This morning, my husband Kenya and I reflected on our early years of marriage and the financial challenges we faced. One time, his pay got cut on his job. Despite being a full-time employee at a small nonprofit organization, he was told he’d only be paid part-time wages because of budget cuts.
Furthermore, he still had to work 9-5, though he wouldn’t be compensated for it, or else, he would be fired.
“Can they legally do that?” I asked after he delivered the bad news.
“I don’t know,” he said. “But right now, I don’t have any other options.”
We felt trapped in a downward spiral. Suddenly, we could no longer afford rent and other expenses. Our apartment manager demanded a rent payment we couldn’t produce. We tried hard to explain our tough predicament, but he just didn’t get it.
I remember crying out to the Lord and asking, “Please God, give us favor. Help us. We don’t know what to do.”
Side note: Because I know what it feels like to be hit by hard times, my heart goes out to those who have lost jobs and are financially struggling due to the COVID-19 pandemic. My team and I at Empowering Everyday Women, the nonprofit I lead, are so grateful that God has positioned us to help feed families who need our help and support at this time.
If God has blessed you and you are able to sow into the ministry, please do so, which helps us continue this important work we’re doing through our anti-hunger campaign. If you are unable to sow, please continue to pray for our efforts. Thank you in advance.
As Kenya and I both looked for employment, bills kept mounting, and we were in huge financial trouble. Just as things looked the worst, our apartment manager’s heart softened. He said he’d work with us and give us some extra time to figure things out. I knew that was the favor of God!
Soon after, I landed a part-time gig to help supplement our income. When I got my first paycheck, we were able to pay our rent and take care of other things. Though the circumstances were unfavorable, God still favored us, and we were never evicted.
In Genesis 26, God favored Isaac, son of Abraham, in unfavorable circumstances too.
God sent Isaac to Gerar, a land occupied by his enemies, the Philistines. Despite being in hostile territory, God prospered Isaac there, making him rich and successful – something that ignited the Philistines’ jealousy. So they persecuted him and threw dirt in the water wells Isaac inherited from his father (v. 15).
“Expect the enemy to attack you sometimes, but know that he can never stop God’s flow of blessings in your life. What the Lord has ordained for you, you will receive it!”
To make matters worse, the king of the region, Abimelech, banished Isaac for being “too powerful” (v. 16). So, Isaac left and had to re-dig all those wells his enemies stopped up. As he re-dug them, the Philistines consistently opposed him, claimed the water was theirs and made Isaac’s life difficult. But God’s word was still true, and Isaac was still favored.
Finally, when Isaac re-dug the third well, his enemies left him alone! Isaac named that well Rehoboth, because God had made room for him to be blessed (v. 22).
Then, the blessings kept rolling in. In verses 26-29, King Abimelech, who kicked Isaac out of his land, made a complete about-face. He reconciled and made peace with Isaac and said, “The Lord has truly blessed you.”
How awesome, right?
Proverbs 16:7 is true, which says, “When a man’s ways please the LORD, he makes even his enemies to be at peace with him.”
Because Isaac obeyed God and lived in alignment with His will, God flipped everything around in His favor, and that’s just what God is going to do for you.
Friend, the opposition, trials and difficulties you’re going through can’t stop your flow of blessings. God will make this work for you, because His word declares that all things to work together for your good, because you love God and are called according to His purpose (Romans 8:28).
Now let’s pray.
God, thank You for reminding me that You are covering me, favoring me, and making ways for me in the midst of uncertain times, troubling circumstances and opposition. I believe that this road I am on, despite its twists and turns, is leading me to a place of blessings. As I go forward by faith, I will rest in Your promises and expect a favorable outcome. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
Get more inspiration from Dianna Hobbs weekdays, Monday through Friday, right here on Your Daily Cup of Inspiration. Be sure to catch up on encouragement that you missed, and if you need prayer, don’t hesitate to ask for it here. The ministry team is standing by 24 hours a day, 7 days per week, to intercede. Until next time, stay encouraged.