This is a word for you
One of my colleagues sends out daily biblical encouragement. She has been doing this for years. However, this week, each message has seemed especially and specifically for me.
I have been loving it.
Receiving these divinely-crafted inspirations reminds me that God’s heart is always directed toward us, His children. His thoughts are always fixed on us and He never misses a chance to encourage our spirits.
He knows that, without a word from Him, we cannot handle all of the duties and responsibilities, and sometimes challenges, thrown at us. But with a word from the Lord we are able to make it through anything.
In Matthew 4:1-11, when the Spirit of God led Jesus into the wilderness to be tempted by the devil, Jesus overcame Satan using the word of God. Verse 11 tells us that after the Messiah resisted the temptations of the enemy with Scripture, “the devil left him.”
When you use the word of God, called the sword of the spirit in Ephesians 6:17, the devil will flee. Sorrow will flee. Negative and pessimistic thoughts will flee. Feelings of inadequacy will flee. Doubt, fear and worry will flee.
The word of God chases away opposition. So swing that sword and see what a truly powerful weapon it is!
“Satan has tried his best to defeat you, but he’s no match for you because you are equipped with the word of God. For every problem he presents, hit him back with a biblical promise, and put him in his place—under your feet!”
Today, this is a word for you: tap into the power of the word of God. You will find that the weapon the enemy formed against you is no match for the weapon God has formed for you. Scripture is your weapon of defense and it slices away the competition.
Your sword never gets dull. It never misses its target. And it never fails to secure victory because it comes straight from the mouth of God. Every time you use it, you win, because what God speaks never fails. What He promises, He always performs. Value your sword and put it to use daily.
To remind you of its power, I’m stirring the words Jesus used against the enemy while being tested in Matthew 4:4 NKJV, into your cup of inspiration: “But He answered and said, ‘It is written, ‘Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God.’”
As you drink down the contents of your cup, you are being strengthened by the Word. Pull out the best verses in your arsenal and wage war against the enemy. He will lose the battle every time.
Now let’s pray.
God, I am most powerful when I fight with my sword, which is the word of God. When I am tempted to slip into a mindset of negativity and defeat, please help me resist with Scripture, for it is my source of life, strength, joy, peace, and everything I need to overcome. Thank You Holy Spirit for bringing Scripture back to my memory in critical times of need. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
As always, thanks for reading and until next time... may today's cup of inspiration uplift, encourage, and empower you!
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