All you have is all you need
In distressing times, when you are confronted with seemingly insurmountable challenges, and the odds are stacked against you, remind yourself that you are in a position of favor with God. He’ll work in your favor despite what you lack. Wherever you may be deficient, the all-sufficient One has you covered.
Wait in faith
Friend, doubt is a thief. But faith causes you to reap rewards. When you believe in God’s word and trust in His promises, nothing can hold you back or rob you from getting all God has for you. When you remain confident in Him, you will receive what is promised.
God is making it happen
There are some things that, in your own power, are impossible. There is no way you can accomplish these things on your own. But in today’s devotion, Dianna Hobbs says God is making a way where this is no way. He’s causing things to work out for you!
This won't break you
Perhaps there is a lot coming at you all at once. You feel the opposing pressure and are surrounded by chaos. The enemy is threatening you and coming after you will all his might. Before you get worried, anxious or discouraged, remember that God’s power is at work. This won’t break you!
This is a word for you
Today, this is a word for you: tap into the power of the word of God. You will find that the weapon the enemy formed against you is no match for the weapon God has formed for you. Scripture is your weapon of defense!
God hasn’t overlooked you
Good things will happen for you. You are not forgotten. Keep on sacrificing. Stay the course. Keep on pressing and God will bestow His goodness, favor and manifold blessings upon you.
Here’s why you’ll reap rewards
Your faith in God and faithfulness to God is not in vain. Your commitment to staying in His will has not gone unnoticed. Your dedication to staying submitted to His purpose will pay off. You will reap rewards.
Your breakthrough is at hand
Where you are right now and what you’re currently facing may make it seem like there is no way God can alter your circumstances, but He can, and He will. Your breakthrough is at hand.