You have found favor
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On Instagram the other day, I was reflecting on the faithfulness of God. I remember when He first birthed Empowering Everyday Women Ministries in my spirit. I didn’t know how to accomplish all God placed in my heart to do with this 501c3 nonprofit organization.
How would I get these initiatives off the ground? How would I be able to reach souls all around the world? How would our mission be supported? There was a lot to think about and do. My staff and I couldn’t handle this great undertaking on our own.
I didn’t know all the answers but one thing I did know is that I had God’s favor. I was sure He was with me and would see to it that I had everything I needed. Fast forward to today and God continues to exceed my expectations and equip me to fulfill His will. He has sent mission-minded individuals into my life who help expand and support the ministry. I am beyond grateful for God’s favor.
Today, I was reading about the time when Jesus saved Saul of Tarsus, best known as Paul the Apostle. He needed God’s favor in order to fulfill his divine assignment to preach the Gospel. Things didn’t go smoothly for him at first. You see, he was a well-known persecutor of Christ’s followers before being converted. So after his heart was changed during a supernatural encounter on the road to Damascus in Acts 9, many did not believe in Saul’s conversion. They shunned him.
In verses 26-31, when Saul came to Jerusalem, Christians were scared of him and didn’t believe he was a true disciple of Jesus. He didn’t have man’s favor at first, but Saul had the favor of God from the beginning. It was that divine favor that held the key to unlock the favor of man.
“God is unlocking doors, knocking down walls, moving mountains out of your way, and giving you access to what was once blocked off. He is showing you incredible favor!”
The Bible says a man named Barnabas, who was respected among the group Saul was shunned by, embraced the controversial new convert. He welcomed Saul into the fold.
Barnabas, whose name means “son of encouragement” encouraged Saul and vouched for the authenticity of his testimony of salvation. He also let Saul stay with him. Together, they went around Jerusalem preaching the Gospel.
See how God worked in Saul’s favor?
We all need a Barnabas—someone to give us a chance, encourage us, open doors for us and help us out. There are things we cannot do on our own. We need assistance.
Today, this word is to encourage you and let you know that God is sending you some help. There are ways you can’t make by yourself, doors you can’t open on your own and opportunities you can’t create. God knows this.
So His favor will make up for what you lack. His favor will make all these things happen. Things that shouldn’t go your way, will. Situations that typically would not turn out alright, will. Worst case scenarios will turn into best case scenarios. Enemies that should defeat you, won’t, because you have found favor.
You may have hit some roadblocks and faced setbacks in the past. And right now, you might be deep in the valley and don’t know how to dig your way out. Well, you don’t have to do it all alone. Not only is the Lord, who is always there, on your side, but He’s working it out for you. You have obeyed Him. You have been faithful. You have served Him. You have trusted Him. Now He’s releasing a fresh wind of favor. He’s raining down showers of blessings upon your head.
According to Proverbs 3:4, which is what I’m stirring into your cup of inspiration, as a result of your loyalty to God, “Then you will win favor and a good name in the sight of God and man.”
As you drink down the contents of your cup, rejoice that you have found the kind of favor that makes even unfavorable circumstances yield positive results. You’re getting ready to see what it looks like when the Lord makes the impossible happen.
Prepare to receive the fruit of the divine favor that’s all over your life!
Now let’s pray.
God, I don’t always feel favored and things don’t always look favorable. But thank You for reminding me today that because Your supernatural favor is on me, even the worst situations will work out for the best. I praise You for the positive outcome. When my breakthrough manifests, I will give Your name all the praise, glory and honor. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
As always, thanks for reading and until next time... may today's cup of inspiration uplift, encourage, and empower you!
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