Work the faith you have
I spoke to someone close to me yesterday who is going through a tough battle. It is the hardest thing they have ever been through and is trying their faith unlike anything else.
On their darkest days, they feel like they can’t make it any further. Yet, they have remained consistent in prayer. Aside from believing for deliverance, they have been asking God for guidance, clarity, and understanding to get through this.
Some days, their faith is strong. Other days, it feels weak. But, every day, they keep seeking the Lord and using the faith they have, however small it may be.
Yesterday, they talked to me about how God showed up in a way they weren’t expecting. Although everything isn’t fixed, and they aren’t all the way out of the woods yet, they can finally see the light of day. Their faith falters sometimes, but God is still merciful and faithful to move on their behalf.
Aren’t you glad we serve a gracious God?
If we didn’t and were expected to be perfect in our faith walk, we would be in trouble! In our humanness, intense times of testing often makes us question everything, and we struggle with unbelief like a concerned father featured in Scripture did.
Mark 9:14-29 introduces us to a man with a demon-possessed son. When he took the boy to Jesus’ disciples hoping they could set him free, they were unable to. So, it appeared that there would be no deliverance from the boy’s tormenting episodes. When under attack, he would fall on the ground, convulse, and foam at the mouth. Things were so awful and out of hand that the evil spirit had even tried throwing the boy into both the fire and water to kill him.
By the time Jesus showed up, the father was so discouraged by the disciples’ collective failure to help his son that he was doubtful that anything would change. That’s why the man said to Jesus, “if you can do anything, take pity on us and help us.”
“If you can?” Jesus responded. “Everything is possible for one who believes.”
There is no if with God. He’s just able. Period.
“I do believe; help me overcome my unbelief!” said the man, uttering what I think is one of the most accurate verbal representations of our internal war between faith and doubt. Despite his faith being weak, Jesus set his son free which is something to get excited about, and here’s why.
Friend, faith, which a necessary ingredient for miracles, even when it is weak, is still enough to get God to move. It’s true. Jesus said that you only need a little faith to do big things. “If you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you” (Matthew 17:20).
“God is saying, ‘Unleash what limited faith you have, and I will unleash the unlimited power I have to work in your favor!”
God sent me to tell you that you—yes, you—have enough faith to see miracles. Supernatural manifestation is not just for others, it is for you. You may feel like a faith weakling, but if you place whatever faith you do have in the One who is mighty and strong, then you have enough faith to produce healing. To move mountains. To tear down strongholds. To receive your breakthrough. To witness a shift in your circumstances.
Moses had weak faith. He even doubted that God could use him to free the Israelites from Egyptian slavery. Yet, Moses is one of the greatest leaders who ever lived. He parted the Red Sea and enabled Israel to walk across on dry land (Exodus 14). What Red Sea needs parting in your life? What bondage do you need to be free of? What shackles do you want to see fall off? Who told you that you don’t have enough faith to see it happen?
God is saying this: “Unleash what limited faith you have, and I will unleash the unlimited power I have to work in your favor!”
Listen, God has given each of us “a measure of faith,” according to Romans 12:3. Some of us have more, while others have less. But whatever God has given you, work your faith at your level. If you work it, it will work for you. If you work it, it will unlock doors. If you work it, it will remove hindrances. If you work it, God will work for you.
I believe you are reading this devotion because I am on a special mission to awaken your faith. You are on the brink of a blessing, and God wants to activate the faith you have. And this is exactly why I’m depositing the word of God in you. Romans 10:17, which is what I’m stirring into your cup of inspiration, says, “So then faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of God.”
As you drink down the contents of your cup, the Holy Spirit is shaking your faith awake. He is reminding you that you do have enough of it to be who He has called you to be, to do what He has commanded you to do, and to possess every promise He has ever spoken over you!
Now, let’s pray.
God, thank You for assuring me that even though I feel weak in my faith at times, You have given me enough to see Your miraculous hand at work in my situation. Today, I recommit to exercising whatever faith I have, and I declare that all things are possible for me because I trust in You. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
If you desire prayer, please allow me, along with my intercessory prayer team, to stand in faith with you for breakthrough. We would be so honored. We have seen God work over and over again. There is power in agreement. Click here to request prayer now.
As always, thanks for reading and until next time... may today's cup of inspiration uplift, encourage, and empower you!