Cup of Inspiration, Dianna Hobbs, inspiration, blog Empowering Everyday Women Cup of Inspiration, Dianna Hobbs, inspiration, blog Empowering Everyday Women

Let go and let God

If you are going through something difficult, let go and let God. That isn’t always easy, especially when you feel like you need to be in control of the outcome. But when you let go and surrender, that’s when He will reveal Himself as Jehovah Jireh, a provider; Jehovah Raphe, a healer; Jehovah Shalom, your peace; Adonai, Lord and Master of all. If you want Him to release His power, release your control!

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blog, Cup of Inspiration, Dianna Hobbs, inspiration Empowering Everyday Women blog, Cup of Inspiration, Dianna Hobbs, inspiration Empowering Everyday Women

You will come back from this

In today’s inspiration, Dianna Hobbs says, don’t get down and out about what you see today. Sure, you may be in a low place, but you will come back from this. It’ll be alright. One thing I know about God is that He loves getting glory through the lives of those others count out. He specializes in elevating the lowly!

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Cup of Inspiration, Dianna Hobbs, inspiration, blog Empowering Everyday Women Cup of Inspiration, Dianna Hobbs, inspiration, blog Empowering Everyday Women

Here’s why victory is yours

Nothing can stop you because the all-powerful One dwells within you. No matter how intimidating the opposition, how challenging the situation, or how big the obstacle, our God is greater. There is no predator bad enough to defeat Him, no authority great enough to usurp His, and no word powerful enough to overturn His word. He has made you victorious!

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blog, Cup of Inspiration, Dianna Hobbs, inspiration Empowering Everyday Women blog, Cup of Inspiration, Dianna Hobbs, inspiration Empowering Everyday Women

Prepare for a divine intervention

God has a great plan and He has many ways to accomplish it. As long as you are working toward fulfilling your purpose and honoring Him in the process, you can be sure that God will bless you. He won’t let you go under. He is going to divinely intervene in your circumstances.  He will send help!

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