He Is God. He is Enough.
Don’t you realize that the Lord is more than enough for you? Even when things are hard, God reigns over your situation. He is in full control, and He promises to take care of you. Therefore, submit to His sovereign authority, and know that you have nothing to worry about.
You are prepared for this!
There are some roles that you are now occupying, challenges you are now facing, opposition you are now dealing with, and responsibility you are now taking on, and it doesn’t feel easy always. But that doesn’t mean you aren’t ready for it. God has already prepared and equipped you for this.
Take a stroll down memory lane
When life gets overwhelming or Satan attacks, it’s important to find a place where you can get quiet, and do a little thinking about God’s past displays of His power and majesty in your life. You’ll no doubt come away praising and rejoicing, and your faith will be stronger than ever!
It’s your shifting season
Accept the transition – even through the painful and uncomfortable moments. What’s on the other side of this is amazing. Trust God through your dry places. Believe God has equipped you. Willingly give up what you’re used to in exchange for the new and better thing God is doing!
28 Days of Gratitude: Day 3
Have your trials ever given you a temporary case of amnesia and made you forget how faithful God is? Has prolonged trouble worn you down and pushed you into a cycle of complaining? Has a series of setbacks caused you to worry more than you worship?
28 Days of Gratitude: Day 2
As emotionally unsettling as waiting, struggling, and not knowing may be, we all deal with this. No one fully knows the will of God. That’s why you can’t let your feelings lead you, or you will complain and embrace a false narrative that says, God doesn’t hear me…
God is preparing you for victory
Do your circumstances seem to be pointing to the worst possible outcome? Well, God is working things out and moving on your behalf. His hand of deliverance is outstretched. Though the enemy has come at you full-force and adversity is all around, you are surrounded by His favor. God’s power has already secured your victory!
You will come back from this
In today’s inspiration, Dianna Hobbs says, don’t get down and out about what you see today. Sure, you may be in a low place, but you will come back from this. It’ll be alright. One thing I know about God is that He loves getting glory through the lives of those others count out. He specializes in elevating the lowly!
You have everything you need
God, the greatest One of all, has chosen and anointed you, and loves you with an everlasting love. The next time you feel overwhelmed, inadequate, perplexed, or distressed by circumstances and situations, remind yourself that, because you have Him, you have all you need!
You're stepping into your Promised Land
Because you have held on, you’re about to step into your Promised Land. You’re getting ready to walk into your new season. As you await manifestation, I encourage you to keep on trusting. You’re moving in the right direction.
The journey is worth it
Don’t settle for less than you can have because you’re afraid of what it takes to have better. March forward in faith. Trust God to bring you out of this low place, no matter how slow and arduous the climb.
Everything is already rigged in your favor
Feeling down and discouraged because of the fierce battle you're engaged in? Do you feel like you're caught up in a war you can't win? In today's podcast, you will be reminded that, everything, no matter how it looks, is rigged in your favor.