God is sheltering you
Don’t spend an ounce of energy wondering and worrying about what Satan has up his sleeve, because the weapon might be formed, but it won’t prosper. God is sheltering you from a storm – one you can’t even see. He’s fighting battles for you that you don’t recognize. Rejoice that you’re protected!
You are prepared for this!
There are some roles that you are now occupying, challenges you are now facing, opposition you are now dealing with, and responsibility you are now taking on, and it doesn’t feel easy always. But that doesn’t mean you aren’t ready for it. God has already prepared and equipped you for this.
It’s your shifting season
Accept the transition – even through the painful and uncomfortable moments. What’s on the other side of this is amazing. Trust God through your dry places. Believe God has equipped you. Willingly give up what you’re used to in exchange for the new and better thing God is doing!
Prepare for a divine intervention
God has a great plan and He has many ways to accomplish it. As long as you are working toward fulfilling your purpose and honoring Him in the process, you can be sure that God will bless you. He won’t let you go under. He is going to divinely intervene in your circumstances. He will send help!