Take your position
Stand firm in faith. Believe God and watch amazing things happen. When you trust His word in the face of opposition, great blessings are unleashed. When you place your confidence in the Lord above all else, He will manifest His power on your behalf and all will know that He is with you!
This affliction is working for you
You may be uncomfortable in your affliction, God is taking what the enemy used to destroy you and blessing you, multiplying you, increasing you, strengthening you, elevating you, and favoring you instead. After this is over, you will realize that God was up to something amazing the whole time!
Feelings change; God’s word doesn’t
Remember, circumstances change, but God doesn’t. He is the same today, yesterday, and forever. He is good all the time. He is faithful every day. His mercies are new every morning. And feelings – though they are fickle and can contradict the word – can never change that truth.
Surely, God will deliver
Maybe you are in the throes of some kind of battle today. It could be a battle with sickness or lack; at home or on the job; in ministry or in business; in your mind or in your emotions. But God is saying to you, surely, deliverance will come, because wherever trouble arises, God arises, too.
God is preparing you for victory
Do your circumstances seem to be pointing to the worst possible outcome? Well, God is working things out and moving on your behalf. His hand of deliverance is outstretched. Though the enemy has come at you full-force and adversity is all around, you are surrounded by His favor. God’s power has already secured your victory!