God will do a lot with a little
God specializes in doing a lot with a little, and that’s what He’s going to do in your life. You may feel like you don’t have enough resources, insight, strength, fortitude, help, courage, ability, or access. While that may be true, God is going to supernaturally increase what you have!
None of us knows when God will do something spectacular. We can’t predict His ways. All we can do is trust His leading, His timing and His faithfulness. Though we don’t know when, where or how God will show up, we can be confident that He has extraordinary plans!
When God commands a blessing...
If you are facing something difficult that is beyond your control today, this word is for you. Don’t worry, because Jesus is standing by. He has taken notice of your situation, and He is placing His hand upon you. He is speaking new life into your circumstances and flexing His power!
God is making it happen
There are some things that, in your own power, are impossible. There is no way you can accomplish these things on your own. But in today’s devotion, Dianna Hobbs says God is making a way where this is no way. He’s causing things to work out for you!