Faith empowers you to overcome
God has big things in store in 2024! His favor and blessings belong to you. But, in order to tap into your divine inheritance, you must activate your faith. Believe, against all odds, that God is who He says He is, and you are who God says you are in His word. Receive this powerful word!
God is preparing you for better
Prepare to receive abundant blessings, major harvests, and divine manifestations of favor. Though you may currently have unanswered prayer requests, unfulfilled promises, and unmanifested prophetic words, God has not changed His mind about you. Better is indeed coming.
Because you believed
When you believe, things happen. Situations start to shift. Mountains begin to move. Faith changes everything. That’s why it’s so important to be confident in the word of God and stand firm. In today’s inspiration, Dianna motivates you to believe and reminds you that a harvest is coming!
Your due season is coming!
If you’re going through lots of changes, good or bad, you’re in transition. And while they may feel uncomfortable, the shift will benefit you in the end. This turn of events, though it might not seem like it at the moment, will produce great results and position you to receive all God has for you.
Are you prepared for your breakthrough?
Eyes have not seen and ears have not heard the great things God has in store for you. A breakthrough is on the way. Expect it. That way, when it arrives, you will know exactly how to take advantage of every blessing God has for you!