God is in your hard place
Have you ever felt stuck between a rock and a hard place in your life and didn’t know what to do? In these moments, Christ the Rock of our salvation is there in the midst of it all. If you are going through personal challenges, through this message, the Lord is confirming His presence and promises.
Perspective Matters
Do you ever find yourself mentally overblowing your issues and allowing yourself to be intimidated, battered by doubt, assaulted by worry, and attacked by fear? We all have at some point. But if you put your issues in proper perspective, you would see that they are in NO WAY more powerful than God!
This won't break you
Perhaps there is a lot coming at you all at once. You feel the opposing pressure and are surrounded by chaos. The enemy is threatening you and coming after you will all his might. Before you get worried, anxious or discouraged, remember that God’s power is at work. This won’t break you!