inspiration, Dianna Hobbs, blog, Cup of Inspiration Empowering Everyday Women inspiration, Dianna Hobbs, blog, Cup of Inspiration Empowering Everyday Women

Who can be against you?

Are you in a season where it feels like everything is coming against you? Well, when Satan opposes you, he has to contend with God, and we know the Lord has an undefeated record. So then, whatever the attack is—whether it be physical, financial, spiritual, emotional, or relational—don’t worry. Don’t be fearful. Don’t be intimidated. Don’t get anxious. God’s got this!

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Cup of Inspiration, Dianna Hobbs, inspiration, blog Empowering Everyday Women Cup of Inspiration, Dianna Hobbs, inspiration, blog Empowering Everyday Women

You will have a testimony of triumph

Are you in the middle of tough season? Wondering when it will change? This is not the end of your story. What was meant for evil in your life, God is going to use it for good. You are not forgotten. He knows your name and your plight. All is not lost. You will see a turnaround. You will have a triumphant testimony. You will overcome and see God do great things!

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Dianna Hobbs, Cup of Inspiration, inspiration Empowering Everyday Women Dianna Hobbs, Cup of Inspiration, inspiration Empowering Everyday Women

God is sending the help you need

There are some areas in your life where you really need help. You can’t fix what’s broken on your own. Perhaps, things have been out of sorts for a long time and you are crying out to God for a shift. Well, this word will encourage you to keep on believing God, and expecting your change to come!

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Cup of Inspiration, Dianna Hobbs, inspiration, blog Empowering Everyday Women Cup of Inspiration, Dianna Hobbs, inspiration, blog Empowering Everyday Women

Let go and let God

If you are going through something difficult, let go and let God. That isn’t always easy, especially when you feel like you need to be in control of the outcome. But when you let go and surrender, that’s when He will reveal Himself as Jehovah Jireh, a provider; Jehovah Raphe, a healer; Jehovah Shalom, your peace; Adonai, Lord and Master of all. If you want Him to release His power, release your control!

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blog, Cup of Inspiration, Dianna Hobbs, inspiration Empowering Everyday Women blog, Cup of Inspiration, Dianna Hobbs, inspiration Empowering Everyday Women

You will come back from this

In today’s inspiration, Dianna Hobbs says, don’t get down and out about what you see today. Sure, you may be in a low place, but you will come back from this. It’ll be alright. One thing I know about God is that He loves getting glory through the lives of those others count out. He specializes in elevating the lowly!

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Cup of Inspiration, Dianna Hobbs, inspiration, blog Empowering Everyday Women Cup of Inspiration, Dianna Hobbs, inspiration, blog Empowering Everyday Women

Here’s why victory is yours

Nothing can stop you because the all-powerful One dwells within you. No matter how intimidating the opposition, how challenging the situation, or how big the obstacle, our God is greater. There is no predator bad enough to defeat Him, no authority great enough to usurp His, and no word powerful enough to overturn His word. He has made you victorious!

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Dianna Hobbs, Cup of Inspiration, blog Empowering Everyday Women Dianna Hobbs, Cup of Inspiration, blog Empowering Everyday Women

Keep trusting God's timing

Life’s journeys can be long and tiresome sometimes, can’t they? You and I don’t always arrive at the place we want to be right away. We like quick results. Instant turnarounds are incredible! But we also have to embrace seasons of gradual change, while trusting God’s perfect timing. In the meantime, go ahead and rejoice. Praise God, even when you can’t see your way clearly.

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Dianna Hobbs, inspiration, Cup of Inspiration, blog Empowering Everyday Women Dianna Hobbs, inspiration, Cup of Inspiration, blog Empowering Everyday Women

Here's an Update: God has a way of shifting things

I have been on a rollercoaster ride lately—thus, my silence. But I am doing awesome. That does not mean I am pain-free, but it is well because God is yet good, always faithful, and He does all things well, amen? Doctors have been doing quite a bit of testing. Now that I have more information and results, I am at liberty to say more.

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blog, Cup of Inspiration, Dianna Hobbs, inspiration Empowering Everyday Women blog, Cup of Inspiration, Dianna Hobbs, inspiration Empowering Everyday Women

Expect the unexpected

In today’s inspiration, Dianna Hobbs says, don’t try to figure God out, just let Him work it out. Be assured that the way He does things will be a blessing to your life. Instead of trying to predict the outcome, expect the unexpected, and trust His sovereignty. There is an unanticipated harvest waiting for you. Good things are coming!

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Dianna Hobbs, Cup of Inspiration, blog Empowering Everyday Women Dianna Hobbs, Cup of Inspiration, blog Empowering Everyday Women

Give it some time

Feeling discouraged because things are taking too long? In a hurry? Well, you must let God do things His way. Don’t look for a shortcut or clever scheme. Lean on the Lord. Put your confidence and hope in Him. Don’t get in a hurry. Give it some time and you’ll see that your faith will yield just the right results at just the right time.

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inspiration, Dianna Hobbs, Cup of Inspiration, blog Empowering Everyday Women inspiration, Dianna Hobbs, Cup of Inspiration, blog Empowering Everyday Women

It has to let you go!

God, who controls the times and seasons, is confirming that your set time is on the way. He has a good plan for your life and it will not be denied. He is commanding your negative situation to let you go. And when He speaks, things must shift. Mountains must move. Things have to line up with His word!

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inspiration, Dianna Hobbs, Cup of Inspiration, blog Empowering Everyday Women inspiration, Dianna Hobbs, Cup of Inspiration, blog Empowering Everyday Women

Crushed? God wants to get glory

Just as God rewarded the woman with the issue of blood for her press, He will reward you as well. Don’t quit on life. Don’t give up because you’re weary. Don’t stop because you’re tired. If you’re feeling crushed by life, know that God is using your life to get glory out of you

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