God won’t disappoint you
Have you been waiting on God to perform His word in your life? No matter what you see today, God will not fail you. He will not lie to you. He will not disappoint you. Keep believing. Keep expecting. Keep walking by faith and not by sight. You will see what God said show up in your situation.
Just trust Jesus
Right now, you may be facing a set of circumstances that you don’t know how to fix or handle. If so, God is sending this word to let you know that He’s able. Just have faith, and you will see Him do the impossible and work miracles for you. No matter what, keep on believing the Lord.
It’s your shifting season
Accept the transition – even through the painful and uncomfortable moments. What’s on the other side of this is amazing. Trust God through your dry places. Believe God has equipped you. Willingly give up what you’re used to in exchange for the new and better thing God is doing!
When God takes you the long way
Is your breakthrough taking a long time to manifest? Are you feeling a little discouraged? The road may be rocky and the trial may last longer than you want it to. But, since God has seen fit to take you this route, trust that His ways are always right, and He is doing it for your good.
Go to the Rock
Has life gotten rocky? Go to Christ, the Rock. Keep your feet firmly planted in Him. You shall not be moved; you will not slip; you will not fall; you will not be defeated; you will, however, overcome!
The journey is worth it
Don’t settle for less than you can have because you’re afraid of what it takes to have better. March forward in faith. Trust God to bring you out of this low place, no matter how slow and arduous the climb.
Prepare for Your Shift
Get your level of expectancy up. Believe that God will move. Prepare for a shift! His way is not your way. You hoped He would have done it sooner. But it’s not too late for a turnaround. Things aren’t too far gone for a shift to happen.