God is in this place
You are never alone. Whatever place you find yourself in, God is there. He’s speaking to you now and reaching out to you in your situation to assure you that He guides you and has good plans for you. Just as the Lord promised to bless Jacob and his seed, He promises to bless you also.
Although you don’t see Him…
Although you don’t see God, He’s working, and all your problems must bow down at His feet and submit to His will. Don’t fear. Know that God is faithful to bring you through the wilderness, make a way, calm the storm and lift you out of your low place. He’ll do it through His all-surpassing power.
None of us knows when God will do something spectacular. We can’t predict His ways. All we can do is trust His leading, His timing and His faithfulness. Though we don’t know when, where or how God will show up, we can be confident that He has extraordinary plans!
God is willing to help you
It doesn’t matter how persistent the problem, how dire the situation, or how insurmountable the obstacle, the Lord is able. What seems too hard to manage, too difficult to handle, and too complicated to resolve does not challenge God. He is willing to help you, to command change and cause things to shift in an instant.
Who can be against you?
Are you in a season where it feels like everything is coming against you? Well, when Satan opposes you, he has to contend with God, and we know the Lord has an undefeated record. So then, whatever the attack is—whether it be physical, financial, spiritual, emotional, or relational—don’t worry. Don’t be fearful. Don’t be intimidated. Don’t get anxious. God’s got this!
That will do nothing to help you
All you need to do in order to reap the rewards God has for you is believe Him. Don’t doubt His power and strength. Do less scheming and more leaning. Stop trying to figure it out and talk it over with Jesus. He will lead and guide you. He alone can help you!
You will receive God’s best
When you say yes to God’s way, you receive His best. His presence shows up. He richly rewards you. He favors your efforts. He sees to it that things work out for you. In a world of selfish ambition and compromise, forsake all to follow Christ.
All you have is all you need
In distressing times, when you are confronted with seemingly insurmountable challenges, and the odds are stacked against you, remind yourself that you are in a position of favor with God. He’ll work in your favor despite what you lack. Wherever you may be deficient, the all-sufficient One has you covered.
God will speak for you
There are some awesome things on the way. God is about to openly put His hand on you, and all will know you are favored, and blessed. Some things are coming down the pike that will turn your life around. Though others may have overlooked you, God is going to speak for you!
Only God can
Get ready to be released from your prison cell of bondage you’ve been confined to. He’s about to do what only God can do. It’s time to tear the roof off with your faith. Take the limits off of God. By His inexorable power and authority, God has decreed your release, and it shall manifest.
Wake up!
As you read this inspiration, may your heart and mind be awakened to the truth of Romans 8:37 that declares, in all these things, you are more than a conqueror! Whatever comes against, don’t worry, because God is for you. So wake up your courage. Wake up your confidence. See through God’s eyes.
Something bigger is on the other side of this
You will see progress where you were once stagnant. You will see increase where you were once lacking. You will see opportunities where there once weren’t any. God is up to something greater in your life! Wait and see.
Are you prepared for your breakthrough?
Eyes have not seen and ears have not heard the great things God has in store for you. A breakthrough is on the way. Expect it. That way, when it arrives, you will know exactly how to take advantage of every blessing God has for you!