Trust in God’s Extraordinary Provision
God will provide for your ordinary needs in extraordinary ways. Trust Him. For He cares about the everyday affairs of your life and has a plan!
The miracle-working power of Jesus is active
If you believe, Jesus will reveal His glory to you and through you just as He did in Bible days. No matter what skeptics say, He still cures incurable diseases, restores sight to the blind, sets captives free, and snatches souls from the grip of death. He has done it for me!
From inconvenient moment to inconceivable miracle
Inconvenient seasons can feel especially daunting and challenging. But if you remind yourself that we serve a God who specializes in turning inconvenient ordeals into inconceivable blessings, the spirit of heaviness and fear won’t overtake you.
How to walk straight into a miracle
Friend, there is a blessing in obedience. You experience miracles when you obey God despite not knowing what He’s doing. You receive unexpected blessings and breakthroughs when You humbly follow His word and confidently place your trust in Him.
God is giving you supernatural strength
What are you going through? How do you need God to manifest Himself in your circumstances? He will do it. There is no problem too big. There is no mountain too high. There is no challenge too great. There is no obstacle too imposing. He’s supernaturally strengthening you now!