blessings Empowering Everyday Women blessings Empowering Everyday Women

Confidently anticipate blessings!

You have been faithful to God. So prepare yourself to receive manifold, blessings and abundant favor. God has seen your sacrifices and will reward you. And you can be sure that Kingdom rewards are the best rewards, because they go far above and beyond what you could ever ask or think!

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devotion, faith Empowering Everyday Women devotion, faith Empowering Everyday Women

Worship through the worst

Keep a praise on your lips and a song in your heart no matter how rough the road. When you worship through the worst, God honors that. He will lift you up from your low place and prove Himself faithful once again. By His power, He’ll turn things around in your favor if you keep the faith, and don’t give up.

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Cup of Inspiration, Dianna Hobbs, inspiration, blog Empowering Everyday Women Cup of Inspiration, Dianna Hobbs, inspiration, blog Empowering Everyday Women

You will have a testimony of triumph

Are you in the middle of tough season? Wondering when it will change? This is not the end of your story. What was meant for evil in your life, God is going to use it for good. You are not forgotten. He knows your name and your plight. All is not lost. You will see a turnaround. You will have a triumphant testimony. You will overcome and see God do great things!

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Dianna Hobbs, Cup of Inspiration, inspiration Empowering Everyday Women Dianna Hobbs, Cup of Inspiration, inspiration Empowering Everyday Women

God is sending the help you need

There are some areas in your life where you really need help. You can’t fix what’s broken on your own. Perhaps, things have been out of sorts for a long time and you are crying out to God for a shift. Well, this word will encourage you to keep on believing God, and expecting your change to come!

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Cup of Inspiration, blog, Dianna Hobbs, inspiration Empowering Everyday Women Cup of Inspiration, blog, Dianna Hobbs, inspiration Empowering Everyday Women

You have been released

The Lord is breaking you out of the shackles that bind you. He’s removing locks and releasing you. You will no longer be standing behind those prison bars. God is setting you free for His glory. You have work to do for the Kingdom. You have an anointing on your life. It’s your season of release.

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Podcast, Spiritual battles, Cup of Inspiration, blog, Dianna Hobbs, inspiration Empowering Everyday Women Podcast, Spiritual battles, Cup of Inspiration, blog, Dianna Hobbs, inspiration Empowering Everyday Women

You have God’s attention

You are significant to God. Sometimes, you may feel overlooked, undervalued and insignificant. It seems like your work, faithfulness, faith and perseverance are all in vain. But you have God’s attention. All you have sacrificed will be rewarded.

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