28 Days of Gratitude: Day 5
Do you begin complaining when things don’t go your way, and God doesn’t meet your expectations? Do you get frustrated or angry when what you hoped for, prayed for, and waited for fail to materialize? Even though you say God is in control, do you sort of wish you had more control of things?
28 Days of Gratitude: Day 4
In times of crisis, do you let your internal storm lead you to believe the worst and overlook the faithfulness of God? It’s very common to go into panic mode, complain, and convince yourself that God is far away and not doing anything to help you. But you can self-correct and reverse this habit.
28 Days of Gratitude: Day 3
Have your trials ever given you a temporary case of amnesia and made you forget how faithful God is? Has prolonged trouble worn you down and pushed you into a cycle of complaining? Has a series of setbacks caused you to worry more than you worship?
28 Days of Gratitude: Day 2
As emotionally unsettling as waiting, struggling, and not knowing may be, we all deal with this. No one fully knows the will of God. That’s why you can’t let your feelings lead you, or you will complain and embrace a false narrative that says, God doesn’t hear me…
28 Days of Gratitude Series: Day 1
In the month of November, just in time for Thanksgiving season, “Your Daily Cup of Inspiration” writer Dianna Hobbs is filling your cup to the brim with thankfulness. Her new blog series, “28 Days of Gratitude” walks you through a process of seeing God’s grace every single day. Read Day #1!
God is moving you
God is moving you and ushering you into a new season, and He is replacing opposition with open doors. He’s causing you to be blessed where you were once attacked. He is making what used to be hard easy for you, and He’s swinging doors wide open in your favor!
God is the best provider!
He keeps every promise. If He said it, then He will do it. Trust Him, and don’t stress over your circumstances. You serve the greatest provider, way-maker, door-opener, body-healer, and the only true Savior. No matter what happens know that God has you covered.
It’s already in you
It is during the most uncomfortable seasons of our lives that God reveals the hidden treasures that are already within us. Your tests and trials will not destroy you. God allows them, so you will tap into the fierce faith warrior and confident believer who possesses everything Christ died to secure for you.
God is doing something unusual
Don’t know what God is up to? Remain open and flexible. Let God do things His way. The route might be unconventional, but if you trust Him, He’ll open the floodgates of Heaven. He’ll send rain in the middle of your dry season and give you an amazing harvest in a time of famine!
Thank God for what He blocks and allows
God blocks some attacks of the enemy. But whatever does get through the divine filter, even if it is uncomfortable, is being used to further shape and refine you. If God chose not to filter out this latest assault on your faith, family, finances, health, or stability, it is working for you and not against you.
Trust God. He is your refuge!
Run to God as your refuge in the storm, and watch Him bless you. Watch Him deliver you. Watch Him heal you. Watch Him lift you. Watch Him favor you. Watch Him make ways for you. Watch Him take care of you. Watch Him shelter you from the storm.
Fear not! God is with you
In today’s inspiration, Dianna Hobbs says, don’t be fearful of the threats of the enemy. The way you overcome fearfulness is by focusing on God’s faithfulness. Put your confidence in the One who never fails. Believe Him for the best, because the best is really yet to come.
Doesn't make sense? God is doing something good
If you will but submit to God’s process, and stop protesting simply because you don’t understand, in the end, you will see the heavens open up. God’s glory will be revealed in your life. He will do extraordinary things for you and reveal a side of Himself you have never seen.
My silence is necessary
Now that I have been able to share God’s goodness and assure you that all is well with me, I will continue my ministry and social media hiatus. Lord willing, I will return in January 2020, ready to fully reengage and resume a normal schedule in the New Year.
It’s the start of a new season
What may appear to the be the end: the end of a job; the end of a relationship; the end of health; the end of happiness; and the end of something good is actually the start of something better. It’s the start of a new season. God will do even greater things. He is not finished with you yet.
Health Update
Here is the latest statement issued on Dianna Hobbs’ health from her PR team: Thank you all for your prayers, support and outpouring of love during an unexpectedly difficult time in Dianna’s life. She had a stroke and suffered more than 20 seizures. Her family traveled from far and wide to be by her bedside in the ICU.
Who can be against you?
Are you in a season where it feels like everything is coming against you? Well, when Satan opposes you, he has to contend with God, and we know the Lord has an undefeated record. So then, whatever the attack is—whether it be physical, financial, spiritual, emotional, or relational—don’t worry. Don’t be fearful. Don’t be intimidated. Don’t get anxious. God’s got this!
God is preparing you for victory
Do your circumstances seem to be pointing to the worst possible outcome? Well, God is working things out and moving on your behalf. His hand of deliverance is outstretched. Though the enemy has come at you full-force and adversity is all around, you are surrounded by His favor. God’s power has already secured your victory!
Expect abundant blessings
It is God’s good pleasure to meet your needs. When you serve Him wholeheartedly, He is faithful to do the impossible for you! You may be persecuted, attacked and targeted by the enemy, but the attack won’t stop your blessings. It won’t block your favor. It won’t hinder your breakthrough. Expect abundant blessings despite it all!
You will have a testimony of triumph
Are you in the middle of tough season? Wondering when it will change? This is not the end of your story. What was meant for evil in your life, God is going to use it for good. You are not forgotten. He knows your name and your plight. All is not lost. You will see a turnaround. You will have a triumphant testimony. You will overcome and see God do great things!
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Be a Blessing.
It’s now easier than ever to show love to Dianna Hobbs who has been blogging to encourage your faith since 2007. Want to help her continue sharing the gospel of Jesus Christ and healing the hurting? Scan the QR code—or click— on the graphic. Or simply press the donate button below to give directly to Dianna’s nonprofit.