Don't be intimidated
In 2016, I went to the amusement park and rode the Ferris wheel for the first time. And let me be honest with you; I was terrified!
Most people I know view the ride as a relaxing way to enjoy the beautiful scenery of a theme park from a higher elevation. Unlike me, they don’t battle with fear of heights. So they all feel a wonderful sense of calm. But I see my life flashing before me. My palms get sweaty. I begin shaking.
It ain’t pretty.
Even still, I refuse to give into those fears. I stretch past the limits of my comfort zone and do stuff that makes me uneasy like riding the Ferris wheel.
Back in 2016, when I first rode it, I had somewhat of a mini-meltdown. My husband Kenya and our four children tried to offer me some comfort, but that did little to help. I wanted to cry. Thankfully I made it through, and I felt happy to have challenged myself, even though it felt unpleasant.
Both naturally and spiritually, it is healthy to test personal limits. God certainly knows this, which is why He places you in positions where you feel uncomfortable, uncertain, completely inept, and unsure about what your next steps will be.
Maybe you’re in an uncomfortable situation right now. You don’t know what God is doing. You don’t feel secure, and worry is knocking at your door. But don’t let worry in. Fight that intimidation with faith, and remind yourself that you have the Lord’s favor.
In Joshua 1, Joshua’s mentor, Moses, had already died. Now it was time for Joshua, the former protégé, to step out of the background and into the forefront. It was incumbent on him to lead the Israelites across the Jordan River as Moses had led them across the Red Sea. What an intimidating assignment!
But despite the intimidation factor, God told Joshua in verse 3, “I will give you every place where you set your foot, as I promised Moses.”
While that was an incredibly encouraging promise, there was no way Joshua could experience this divine favor and expansion without stepping into unfamiliar, intimidating waters. In order to walk into his place of destiny, he would first have to walk into his place of discomfort.
“We all have to walk into a place of discomfort. But if we can remember that the presence of the Lord remains with us through it all, we’ll make it through.”
In Joshua 3:15-16, we see that before Israel could cross the Jordan River, the priests had to put their feet in the water while carrying the Ark of the Covenant, which was symbolic of the presence of God. Once their feet touched the water, the miracle occurred. The water stood up in a heap and all of Israel was able to cross on dry land.
But what if the priests were too afraid to get their feet wet? What if they were too intimidated by the assignment to take God at His word? They would have never seen a move of God like that, right?
Friend, you can’t be afraid to get your feet wet so-to-speak. In other words, don’t be too scared to step out in faith. If you truly know God has commanded you to move forward, obey Him. Place your full confidence in the Lord and His faithfulness to fulfill His word. Don’t allow the enemy to intimidate you and make you shrink away from your predestined purpose.
There are some things you can have, do, and be. But they will require an initial step of faith like Abraham made in Genesis 12. In verse 1, God told him to leave everything he knew behind and go to a place that would later be revealed. Abraham had no idea where he was going! He just went because God said so.
If Abraham never took any steps, he would have missed out on what God was doing. And if you don’t take any steps, you’ll miss out, too.
Don’t miss out.
Start taking steps.
When it gets hard, keep on stepping. You might have to cry sometimes, but keep on stepping. The road may be long and rocky, but keep on stepping. You may feel like giving up, but command your feelings to be subject to the plan of God, and keep on stepping. You're about to walk into something truly great if you don’t let this intimidate you and make you retreat.
To help you continue moving forward, I’m stirring the words God spoke in Joshua 1:9 NIV into your cup of inspiration, which says, “Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go."
As you drink down the contents of your cup, use this word as an antidote for fear and discouragement. Fight intimidation with faith. Believe that you are about to step into something great. Know that you have an inheritance waiting for you. There are things the Lord will do and doors He will open if you step out on His word.
Now let’s pray.
God, I believe I am about to step into something great. At the same time, the enemy is coming after me, working hard to introduce doubt, fear, intimidation, and discouragement. But I rebuke any defeated thoughts and place my full confidence in You. I know You will take me to the place You have preordained for me. In Jesus’ name, Amen
If you desire prayer, please allow me, along with my intercessory prayer team, to stand in faith with you for breakthrough. We would be so honored. We have seen God work over and over again. There is power in agreement. Click here to request prayer now.
As always, thanks for reading and until next time... may today's cup of inspiration uplift, encourage, and empower you!