His power is working!
The next time you feel weak and discouraged, as if you won’t make it, remind yourself that God’s power is working in and through you, equipping you to do all things. He is changing situations that you can’t!
This pit cannot hold you
You’re coming out of this. No matter how low you are or how much is going wrong, God has a plan to deliver you. Know that you will not be confined to this dark, low place, with no sign of deliverance, forever.
You are on the winning side
Rejoice. Laugh. Shout. Praise. No matter what it looks like right now, you have the victory. The enemy has come against you, but God’s favor belongs to you. You are on the winning side. This is already done!
Surely God will do it
God has made you some promises. When will He do what He said? Though things look uncertain on the surface, know that you can trust in the certainty of God’s word. Whatever He says, He makes good on it.
Here’s why you’ll reap rewards
Your faith in God and faithfulness to God is not in vain. Your commitment to staying in His will has not gone unnoticed. Your dedication to staying submitted to His purpose will pay off. You will reap rewards.
Jehovah Nissi fights for you
Are you in a fierce battle? Has the enemy tried to attack you in an under-handed way. Have you been feeling a bit worried about all that’s going on. Don’t fret! God is fighting this battle for you already.
Get ready for a plot twist
It may look like you’re down, but God is lifting you up. This battle belongs to the Lord and He never, ever loses. He’s getting ready to do something unexpected. You don’t see it now but it’s on the way!
Something bigger is on the other side of this
You will see progress where you were once stagnant. You will see increase where you were once lacking. You will see opportunities where there once weren’t any. God is up to something greater in your life! Wait and see.
Trust God's word anyway
In today’s devotion, Dianna Hobbs says, when you keep trusting and holding fast to His promises, in due time, He will do just what He said He would. You may be so tired and you might be feeling weary, but hang in there!
When you don't understand why
Sometimes, you go through something so hard it devastates you. You don’t understand why God has allowed this. You’re seeking answers. What do you do when you don’t know why?
Your faith has produced a harvest
Your faith qualifies you to receive blessings you aren’t qualified for; it pushes you through doors that others try to close in your face; it releases provision where there should be none.
Devil, you can't have my peace!
Satan is on a mission to steal your peace, distract you and break your focus. He does this to get you off track and thwart your purpose. But don’t fall for it. Refuse to be distracted and worried.
Never be shaken
When everything shakes around you, when you are confident in God, nothing can be shaken within you. So if ever you feel shaky, like your faith is taking a hit, all you need to do is shift your thoughts.
Round two is coming!
God is declaring to you today that your winning season is coming. You might have lost round one. But round two is coming! Don’t be too afraid to believe God because of what has happened in the past. It will work out.
The delay is ending
The attack that came, God allowed it. The momentary upset, God allowed it. The extended period of delay, God allowed it. But now, He's disallowing it. That delay and setback is ending. A season of release is here!
You have a greater destiny
This devotion will remind you that God has not tossed you aside. He has not cast you away. He has not ignored your requests. He has been carrying you through a process. A change is coming. Your destiny is greater than what you now see.
The attack won’t penetrate
Satan is trying to penetrate your heart, mind, will, emotions, body, finances, family, job, ministry, home, church, and everything that concerns you. But God is blocking the attack. He won’t let the enemy’s darts and arrows penetrate.
God is opening Heaven
You might not have a whole lot of evidence, but if you have a whole lot of faith, you will see God open Heaven and pour down blessings. He will execute His word and bring every promise to pass!
Your request is granted
Persistence in prayer is the key to your breakthrough. There are some things you have been waiting a long time to see change. Because you didn’t give up, God is going to do it for you. Watch and see what happens!
Fight for your joy!
Satan is trying so hard to steal your joy. Refuse to let the enemy rob you. Fight back and know that God is for you and you have no need to worry, or fret one bit!
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