Open to receive
This word will help you be open to receive what God is releasing this season. If you don’t quit, you will reap a harvest. So, go forward in faith. Give it all you’ve got. Don’t worry about what it looks like. Be open to receive and watch what happens: a blessing will drop right into your hands!
Your season is changing quickly
There may be no indication that positive change is coming. Don’t worry! We walk by faith and not by sight. Even when you don’t see it, believe it anyway, and begin praising in advance for manifestation. Prophesy over yourself, “My season is changing quickly!”
God will rescue you again
No matter how dark the day, how intimidating the circumstances, how hard the problem, or how dangerous the conditions, we have a promise to sustain us. God will rescue us in times of trouble. So, be encouraged even if you are going through a tumultuous season right now.
Hard times? Still, fight for your promise
You already have a word from the Lord—an irrevocable promise. All you need is the faith and the willingness to fight for what you believe. Push through the pain. Defy discouragement and doubt. If you can press through the hardship, you’ll get to get to the harvest.
Focus on Faith
Faith move mountains. It makes the impossible possible. It is the key to unlocking every single blessing God has for you. That’s why you need to focus on faith above all else. Faith in Christ. Faith in His power. Faith in His plans for you. Today’s word will stir up your faith and position you to reap!
Apply faith pressure!
Don’t know what to do about a situation that’s troubling you? Feeling tense and stressed about? Has the enemy been making you feel like you’ll never get that supernatural release and breakthrough for which you have been longing? Apply some faith pressure and watch what God will do!
Use your Faith to Get Up!
You can never sink so low that God can’t lift you up. You may be in a deep valley today, feeling stuck at rock-bottom in some areas. It doesn’t matter. The Lord is sending this word to you to tell you that if you exercise your faith, you will supernaturally be empowered to get up!
Your present trial is a future testimony!
You may be going through something hard. But God is sending you this word to tell you that your struggle, storm, and setback is not about you, and neither is your trial, test, and trouble. Your obstacle is just an opportunity to testify and for God to get glory through your life.
Refuse to shrink back in fear
There are blessings waiting for you. You’ve got to walk by faith now. Resist fear now. Believe the word of God now. Put yourself out there now. Stop worrying about your pride and humble yourself enough to be obedient now. Stop hesitating and start acting on what you believe now!
Say yes to the new thing
God works in mysterious ways, and if you are to receive what He has to offer, you must be willing to say yes to His will and way. If you expect Him to follow run-of-the-mill processes and use customary methods, you will miss God. But if you stay open, you’ll be blessed beyond measure!
The other side of change
God wants you to believe Him through it all. Even when you walk down dark roads in uncharted territory, lean on Him, believe His word, and keep going despite not always having clear direction. Though it may not seem like it now, God’s got blessings for you on the other side of change.
God is preparing you for better
Prepare to receive abundant blessings, major harvests, and divine manifestations of favor. Though you may currently have unanswered prayer requests, unfulfilled promises, and unmanifested prophetic words, God has not changed His mind about you. Better is indeed coming.
Because you believed
When you believe, things happen. Situations start to shift. Mountains begin to move. Faith changes everything. That’s why it’s so important to be confident in the word of God and stand firm. In today’s inspiration, Dianna motivates you to believe and reminds you that a harvest is coming!
God is with you and for you
No matter how things look, nothing can change the fact that God is with you and for you. As unconventional as the journey may be, an unconventional blessing awaits you at the end of it. Go forth confidently in the strength of the Lord, and the outcome will amaze you!
It’s your turn
God has built waiting into the process of character development. He tests you by prolonging the timeline. If you can cling to hope, remain steadfast in faith, and continue doing the right things despite delays, your turn will surely come. By the way, somebody’s turn is already here!
Stand on what you know!
In the face of false evidence appearing real—which is an acronym for fear—God is saying to you, “Fear not, for I am with you; be not dismayed, for I am your God; I will strengthen you, I will help you, I will uphold you with my righteous right hand” (Isaiah 41:10 ESV). Stand on what you know!
God’s hand is in this
Going through a storm? Can’t see your way out? Does the situation look troubling and concerning? Well, know that God is working behind the scenes in your favor. His mighty hand is outstretched over your situation. All that is required is your faith to activate His power.
Don’t stop believing for the miraculous
God sent me to tell you, don’t stop believing for the miraculous. He will provide. He will take care of you. He will shift things in your favor. He will bless your endeavors. He will answer your prayers. He will heal you. He will make a way. He will do what He said. Trust the Lord!
God is a covenant-keeper!
We can be confident that the Lord, who never changes, is still a keeper of His covenant. And that’s great news for us, because He promises to take care of us, to provide for our needs, to heal us, and to give us all the blessings and benefits that come with redemption.
Beware of instant gratification!
God is sending you this message today to encourage your heart in the wait. Satan would love to wave around a curse called instant gratification and disguise it as blessing called instant breakthrough. But don’t fall for it. What God has for you is worth the wait, friend!