God will make things right
There are some things you have been through, my friend. You have suffered injustices, betrayals, and pain you did not deserve. Know that God remembers and will make things right in His timing. The thing about God is that He never, ever forgets us and always shows up on our behalf.
There's a blessing on the other side of this
God wants to do big things through you. If you will trust Him and let Him order your steps, despite not knowing exactly what He’s up to, I promise that there is a blessing on the other side of this. It won’t always be easy, especially in times of uncertainty, but keep going!
Terrified? Don't be.
Though you may be walking through your own valley of the shadow of death, fear not. Jesus, who already conquered death, hell, and the grave, is walking with you. And surely, He will deliver you, guide you and take care of you every step of the way. You’re surrounded by His favor!
When you don’t know why
When you can’t answer the why, how, when, what or who questions of life, it can feel deeply unsettling, confusing, and frustrating. Uncertainty, especially when it lasts a long time, can be mentally, emotionally, and spiritually exhausting. But trust God, the One who knows all things, and you’ll get through it.
Restoration and Favor
When God smiles upon you, restores and favors you, He causes you to thrive and flourish in every season—bad or good. And friend, He is able do that for you even now, and He will do it. Expect good things. Expect restoration. Expect God to show you special favor in every season!
You’ve got the power
There are blessings and breakthroughs that are already yours, but that doesn’t mean the enemy will stop trying to get a foothold in your life. He’ll do his best to infiltrate your world, create chaos and confusion, and fight you tooth and nail. But you have the power to fight and win!
The blessing of ruined plans
Have some of your plans been derailed lately? Have you felt down or disappointed? Today’s message reminds you to be thankful in inconvenient times and through life’s detours and disruptions. God just may be protecting you from an invisible enemy and setting you up for a blessing.
God is removing the obstacles
When life is dealing you unexpected and unpleasant blows, and blessings don’t seem to be flowing your way, remember this. As God’s covenant child, it’s only a matter of time before He removes the hindrances and causes showers, streams and rivers of blessings to flow to you.
It will happen
Perhaps you’re waiting on a breakthrough today. There may be some questions needing answers and problems needing resolutions. If so, don’t be discouraged by the delay. God will not deny you, nor will He fail you. Whatever He promises will come to pass. It will happen!
Thank God for your current season
Even though this may not be your favorite season, guess what? It is your favored season, because God’s hand of favor is forever outstretched. In every season, He cares for you and sees what you’re going through. And He will bless you, my friend, in spite of all the obstacles you face and what you may lose.
Stay faithful and you'll stay blessed
Many people are abandoning the faith. Don’t be one of them. Remain faithful to Christ, and stay on the straight and narrow path that leads to life. The road to abundant blessings is the path of obedience to God’s will. He rewards the faithful, so stay faithful, and you’ll stay blessed.
In just the right season...
The good things God has promised and planned, at the appointed season, He will make it all happen for you. Through setbacks, struggles, tests, trials and roadblocks, take hold of this promise, and know that your time is coming. For now, rest in God. Settle down. Pace yourself. Put your mind at ease.
Appreciate life
Look back over your life, and you will see that God is good. It is a blessing to have breath in your body. Today’s devotion reminds you of the brevity of life and encourages you to enjoy the small things, live life purposefully, gain wisdom, remain close to God, and find every reason to be grateful!
You are royalty!
You are royalty by adoption into the family of God, and that’s a reason to rejoice. Not only have you inherited eternal life, but you also have an inheritance you can enjoy right now. You can expect God to provide for every need; make ways out of no way; favor you in adversity and much more!
The prayer of faith still works
Whatever you are dealing with, God knows and cares, and He will answer your prayers. Whether it be financial challenges, relationship woes, family problems, employment troubles, ministry issues, mental health struggles, grief or loss – whatever – the prayer of faith still works!
Step into your new season
Perhaps you are going through a rebuilding season. In order to move forward in the things of God, you need to forget what’s behind you. Stop looking in your rear-view mirror at the way things were, and step into your new season, and praise God for the way things shall be.
God Favors the Faithful
God is sending you a reminder through this word that He sees your faithfulness. He knows you love Him. He recognizes your willingness to serve Him in a world that dishonors and disregards His word, and He will bless you for your faithfulness. Your loyalty and devotion to God are not in vain!
God will make this work for you
The opposition, trials and difficulties you’re going through can’t stop your flow of blessings. God will make this work for you, because His word declares that all things to work together for your good, because you love God and are called according to His purpose (Romans 8:28).
God is consistent
In uncertain times, you can trust the certainty of God’s word. In the midst of negative life circumstances—even situations that are confusing, unprecedented and intimidating—the Lord remains sovereign, good, and always in control. In changing times, He is and will forever be consistent.
Keep pushing!
Life has a way of beating you up and at times making you feel like you can’t fulfill daily tasks, let alone your divine assignment. But you can do it because God has called and anointed you to handle this task load. You’ve already come so far, and although the weight feels heavy, don’t give up.